Monday 14 January 2008


1. "Feminist film theory" studies the way films make meaning for their audiences from feminist politics perspective

-representations may reinforce dominant patriarchal ideology

2. The theory- Freud & Scopohilia:

- pleasure of watching!

"oral stage" child fixated on activities to do with the mouth

"anal stage" is all about toilet training and being clean

3. Jaques cacan and the mirror stage-

- early childhood- between age of 6-8 months- child looks in the mirror and recognises itself
-> in the way that audience gains sense of narcaissist pleasure from identfying with film protagonoists

4. "Laura mulvey and the gaze"
- women in film are represented as "objects"
- classical hollywoods= audience as male, and through identification with the male protagonist ( cacan) gave him an active role. In viewing the female subject and gaining pleasure from doing so (freud)- known as the "look" or "gaze".

Mulvey- look could be "voyeuristic"
women viewed as "fetishistic"
>spectators gaze: audience looking at the subject on screen
> male gaze: male viewing female
>female gaze: accept women can gain vouyeristic pleasure

This is linked to my study as i will also be closely analysing how female and male roles have changed within society and linking it back to Hollywood and how they tend to accept same vales and norms...

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